A Child Star of the 19th Century Gains New Fame

The city of Vienna has already begun celebrating the bicentenary of Johann Strauss Jr., known as the waltz king. Waiting in the wings is Constanze Geiger, who also composed successfully for the genre. … The Philharmonic violinist Raimund Lissy led the rediscovery with his recently published biography, “‘There Is a Magic to This Child Prodigy!’ Constanze Geiger: Composer, Pianist, Actress From Vienna.” Geiger began performing her own compositions from the piano when she was 8, winning attention from the press in Vienna and abroad. Johann Strauss — father and son — both conducted her waltzes at balls in Vienna and dedicated their own works to the young star. The “Ferdinandus Waltz” was led by the elder Strauss in Vienna in 1848.

Full article here.


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